Bob Cornwall Reviews Commentary on Mark
… at Christian Century. Of all the book reviews available, I think commentary reviews are the most valuable.
… at Christian Century. Of all the book reviews available, I think commentary reviews are the most valuable.
Tonight I begin my new series of Thursday night studies on the apostle Paul. My approach will be a bit different than usual. I’m more interested in developing the background, particularly in Israelite religion and Judaism and looking at the way Paul draws from his theological sources. I’ll also introduce my approach to the subject….
I previously gave an overview of the Cornerstone Biblical Commentary on 1-2 Chronicles, but I’ve been spending more time with it since, reading the Hebrew text along with the commentary. While I do appreciate the NLT text on which the commentary is based, I’m not reading this for the NLT text, but rather for the…
Lingamish is presenting a series on his blog, Iconography of the Gospels, in which he explores ways of looking at the gospels. I commend this series to those who are interested in reading the gospels with more breadth and depth. Entries thus far: Iconography of the Gospels Iconography of the Gospels 2 The Doctor’s Strange…
… I’ve attained #19 on the top 50 list, and do not appear in the Biblical Studies carnival (there’s good reason for this), which is extremely well done and links to some excellent posts.
Yesterday I looked at Romans 14:1-12 in these two versions. Today I’m looking at another of this week’s lectionary passages, Exodus 14:19-31. Those who aren’t seriously interested in these two study Bibles should probably skip this whole series. Watch for the first part of the title (Using the NLTSB [NLT] and NISB [NRSV]) and flee…
A Living Sacrifice provides a link to some material on linguistics and exegesis, particularly word studies. The articles are by Benjamin Baxter and are in the McMaster Journal of Theology and Ministry. One is The Meaning of Biblical Words, and the other is Hebrew and Greek Word-Study Fallacies. I highly commend both. The key element…
Tonight I begin my new series of Thursday night studies on the apostle Paul. My approach will be a bit different than usual. I’m more interested in developing the background, particularly in Israelite religion and Judaism and looking at the way Paul draws from his theological sources. I’ll also introduce my approach to the subject….
I previously gave an overview of the Cornerstone Biblical Commentary on 1-2 Chronicles, but I’ve been spending more time with it since, reading the Hebrew text along with the commentary. While I do appreciate the NLT text on which the commentary is based, I’m not reading this for the NLT text, but rather for the…
Lingamish is presenting a series on his blog, Iconography of the Gospels, in which he explores ways of looking at the gospels. I commend this series to those who are interested in reading the gospels with more breadth and depth. Entries thus far: Iconography of the Gospels Iconography of the Gospels 2 The Doctor’s Strange…
… I’ve attained #19 on the top 50 list, and do not appear in the Biblical Studies carnival (there’s good reason for this), which is extremely well done and links to some excellent posts.
Yesterday I looked at Romans 14:1-12 in these two versions. Today I’m looking at another of this week’s lectionary passages, Exodus 14:19-31. Those who aren’t seriously interested in these two study Bibles should probably skip this whole series. Watch for the first part of the title (Using the NLTSB [NLT] and NISB [NRSV]) and flee…
A Living Sacrifice provides a link to some material on linguistics and exegesis, particularly word studies. The articles are by Benjamin Baxter and are in the McMaster Journal of Theology and Ministry. One is The Meaning of Biblical Words, and the other is Hebrew and Greek Word-Study Fallacies. I highly commend both. The key element…
Tonight I begin my new series of Thursday night studies on the apostle Paul. My approach will be a bit different than usual. I’m more interested in developing the background, particularly in Israelite religion and Judaism and looking at the way Paul draws from his theological sources. I’ll also introduce my approach to the subject….
I previously gave an overview of the Cornerstone Biblical Commentary on 1-2 Chronicles, but I’ve been spending more time with it since, reading the Hebrew text along with the commentary. While I do appreciate the NLT text on which the commentary is based, I’m not reading this for the NLT text, but rather for the…