Who Do You Need to Be/Read to Understand the Bible
J. K. Gayle takes on John Hobbins’ question. Not precisely answers it. He takes it on.
I have this post on my list of posts I want to respond to, but I haven’t yet had time. Let me simply state that there are few forms of writing to which I react more negatively than universally required reading lists–and I have even written a few myself. There are lists of things you have to read to be a good American, to be literate, and so forth. Considering the amount of good reading available, I find such lists pretty arrogant (yes, including any ones I’ve ever written).
I think I will write more on this, but I wanted to call attention to the two approaches here. In this case, I think I’ll come out sounding more like J. K. Gayle when I do write.
He’s making a list. And checking it twice; Gonna find out Who’s naughty and nice …
Now it’s Santa who’s naughty for making lists. But subtle lists, even subliminal ones, can be very effective. Take the titles that show up in your masthead photo. Great authors, BTW. Though they look to be, perhaps all of them, written by “white males of privilege.” The shame.
Touche! And more on point than you may even know, since that masthead is simply a picture of one shelf of my “arm’s reach” study shelf, which includes books that I’m either currently reading or that I tend to reach for frequently.
On the other hand, I’ll probably give you more to sink your teeth into when I write a post about lists, and probably include a list in it myself!