
Epiphany 3 in The Mosaic Bible

While none of the Mosaic Bible texts [Holy Bible: Mosaic NLT (Meditations)] overlapped the lectionary texts for today, I think it was quite appropriate, if coincidental, that the texts chosen deal with dealing with the poor and outcasts.  The texts were Leviticus 19:1-18, Psalm 119:33-40, James 2:1-7, and Luke 6:27-42.  These passages emphasize that our care for others should not be an emergency response, but rather a way of life.

In addition, all of the readings are excellent, focusing on our attitude and relationship and the things that make up who we are.

I particularly liked the NLT rendering of a verse from one of my favorite chapters, Psalm 119:

Give me an eagerness for your laws rather than a love for money! — Psalm 119:36

Combined with the reading from Leviticus 19:1-18, ending with one of the two commands on which Jesus said all the law and the prophets hung, I found it quite powerful.

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