My Interview on Theodicy
As a continuation of my series on Theodicy, Steve Kindle interviewed me using the same set of questions I’ve used with all the other participants. This was recorded a year ago, but I just finished the production and posted it yesterday. For more information on the series: Theodicy Interview Series.
Theodicy Interview with Bruce Epperly
The second in my series of interviews on theodicy is now available. Dr. Bruce Epperly discussed this with me for around an hour. You can see the video below. (The first interview can be found here.) The purpose of this series is to showcase a variety of views on theodicy and even ways of expressing…
A Robust Theodicy?
As I conduct interviews on theodicy with various authors, I’d like to suggest this: We need a theodicy (and in fact a full theology) that is as comfortable in Job as in Deuteronomy. This would be the expression of a faith that isn’t forgotten in good times or repudiated in bad. Here again is the…
Theodicy Interview Series
Yesterday I interviewed Dr. Robert LaRochelle as the first in a series of interviews on theodicy. You can find more information on this series on the page titled, shockingly, Theodicy Interview Series, which also includes the questions that will be asked of each interviewee for this series.