Wrong, Wronger, Wrongest
Isaac Asimov on The Relativity of Wrong. I found this article extremely helpful in explaining theories and how they develop or are replaced. (HT: Abnormal Interests).
Isaac Asimov on The Relativity of Wrong. I found this article extremely helpful in explaining theories and how they develop or are replaced. (HT: Abnormal Interests).
I commented before on how we’re getting snippets out of context. Peter Kirk has done some looking regarding the God damn America comment. From another angle, my wife thinks Obama needs to say “enough!” and get on with the campaign.
Read more at Exploring our Matrix.
There’s an interesting article in Newsweek on Republicans supporting Obama. These are not people who are angry that it appears the nomination will not go to someone who is regarded as soundly conservative. They are inspired by Barack Obama.
You can find his further thoughts again at Reclaiming the Mind. If you read the first one, you should read this one as well.
I’ve been posting on this topic over on my Participatory Bible Study Blog, and since it has started to involve religion and society, especially education, I thought I’d call attention to it. I feel a rant coming on about the descent of modern education into irrelevance, but it will have to wait for tomorrow.
. . . is a necessary part of free speech. Laura has it right: I dont have much in common with Brigitte Bardot, an elderly French actress, or Pat Condell, a British atheist, or with Kathy Shaidle, Ezra Levant, and Mark Steyn, a partial list of Canadians whose free speech is endangered. Except this: a…