Dan Wallace Reposts on Post Cartoon
You can find his further thoughts again at Reclaiming the Mind. If you read the first one, you should read this one as well.
You can find his further thoughts again at Reclaiming the Mind. If you read the first one, you should read this one as well.
There are some basics about what evolution is and is not, and what the various positions of both creationists and evolutionists are, that everyone who steps into the debate should know. Some examples include the difference between a young earth and an old earth creationist. I’ve seen a few discussions in internet fora in which…
In pursuing the laudable goal of keeping lead out of children’s it looks like congress may have been just as thoughtful as usual. More on evangelical outpost.
Here’s another incident of mandatory religion in the Air Force (HT: Metacatholic). Besides the fact that it is quite improper for the Air Force to provide mandatory religious indoctrination, this program clearly denigrates the faith of many who would disagree with a number of elements of the presentation.
… try this idea posted on The Panda’s Thumb. I’ve already declared that I won’t spend money on the film, but it’s a good idea anyhow.
. . . at Lingamish. [Note: Linked post withdrawn by author Lingamish.] Well worth reading.
Intelligent Design, that is, in the Florida Legislature. Early details on the Florida Citizens for Science Blog.