Ken Ham Strikes a Blow for Integrity – NOT
Read more at Exploring our Matrix.
Read more at Exploring our Matrix.
I would suggest that everyone read this post. When Robert Reich was Secretary of Labor I didn’t like him that much, but he is truly expressing wisdom in this post.
Ed Brayton has a post on the NY chapter of NOW, which claims that Ted Kennedy betrayed feminists by endorsing Obama. I had this on my list of topics for posts, but Ed already said it better.
Doug Rea says all churches should be seeker sensitive, but who is seeking?
He’s working through Sparks’ book God’s Word in Human Words, and doing a great job. Good stuff, and it relates to my recent topic of interpretation. (Link is to the third part, beginning here.)
Pseudo-Polymath has posted on Christian duty and health care, and used one of my quotes, though I’m not sure what the relevance of the quote is. His comments, however, are interest, and are making me think. As the son of a missionary MD (father) and RN (mother) I’m very interested in the topic and may…
Read some of the comments from other, not anonymous McCain staffers here.