Ken Ham Strikes a Blow for Integrity – NOT
Read more at Exploring our Matrix.
Read more at Exploring our Matrix.
. . . is a necessary part of free speech. Laura has it right: I dont have much in common with Brigitte Bardot, an elderly French actress, or Pat Condell, a British atheist, or with Kathy Shaidle, Ezra Levant, and Mark Steyn, a partial list of Canadians whose free speech is endangered. Except this: a…
The “which” is a list of bibliobloggers compiled by John Hobbins. Through it I discover that I am on the extended (not the top 50) list at Biblioblogs Top 50. Thanks to all of the above, and to which provides a valuable service to the Bibliblogosphere.
I was going to write about his, but Laura has already done a good job. Like my dad the doctor taught me, there’s no need to make it either/or; it’s both/and.
Via’s Significant Digits, which I read religiously and daily, I discovered the Timeline of the Far Future on Wikipedia. I am particularly concerned that in 600 million years C3 photosynthesis will become impossible.
An efficient solar collector that looks promising. Of course, no single technology is going to be a silver bullet.
… discussing the John Webb Winter Golf Tournament, which is what consumes our family at this time of year. Take a look. It’s a good cause.