Biblical Studies Carnival XXXIX Posted
… at Dr. Platypus. There’s always good stuff in this carnival, though I never get around to reading everything I intend to!
… at Dr. Platypus. There’s always good stuff in this carnival, though I never get around to reading everything I intend to!
This is a very worthwhile review to read. I haven’t yet read the book, but the key points noted are interesting in themselves.
… at Fish and Cans. I am overwhelmed with work and didn’t get around to making a submission, but there’s bunches of good stuff. Folks who have been reading my work on inerrancy either here or at my Threads blog should see Jeremy Pierce’s contribution
The latest Christian carnival is Ancient Hebrew Poetry.
Sailhamer, John H. Genesis Unbound: A Provocative New Look at the Creation Account. Sisters, OR: Multnomah Books, 1996. Note (January 11, 2017): I just discovered while writing about Dr. John Sailhamer’s death, that there was a new edition of this book published in 2011, shortly after I wrote this review. My interest in this book…
Sometimes I like to recommend various Bible study tools, and this is especially fun when the tools themselves are free and of good quality. Free software is often worth precisely the price you pay for it, but in the case of e-Sword, you will be pleasantly surprised. (Note: For other Bible study tools see my…
It’s been some time since I posted on the Mosaic Bible in connection with lectionary reading, but we’re entering an excellent season for using these tools together. (For what it’s worth, I use The Text this Week for the lectionary passages.) While the passages don’t match for the first week of Lent, the Mosaic Bible…