20 Things to Doubt
A few days ago, the Internet Monk was believing (and not believing) things, and today Moderate Christian Blogroll member SHARP IRON is doubting 20 things. Do you agree with his list?
A few days ago, the Internet Monk was believing (and not believing) things, and today Moderate Christian Blogroll member SHARP IRON is doubting 20 things. Do you agree with his list?
As if objective journalism was the rule before blogs came along to “steal” newspaper content. I agree with Ed Brayton, who also quotes Radley Balko on this one.
My friend and Energion author Allan Bevere posted this morning on this topic, and I want to call attention to it for several reasons. First, this is a topic I find very interesting. Second, I think it’s appropriate to discuss the problems of violence and suffering together at some points. Third, I don’t think that…
Yes, that’s a big collection of topics, but I think they’re connected. John Meunier links to an excellent post by Dan Dick, which you should read before you read this one. The topic here is the conference dashboards in United Methodist annual conferences, such as this one for the North Alabama Conference. I do have…
I sometimes complain about the way lectionary passages are cut off before difficult passages, so I thought it might be nice to mention the truly wonderful selection of the gospel for Christ the King Sunday today. The gospel passage is Luke 23:33-43. At our “Lectionary at Lunch” gathering, led by Geoffrey Lentz, a number of…
. . . at Lingamish. [Note: Linked post withdrawn by author Lingamish.] Well worth reading.
I dislike criticizing ministries and their leaders for several reasons: There’s a bandwagon approach, in which everyone piles on a vulnerable leader and repeats the stories There’s a tendency to lack discernment about rumors, i.e. everyone repeats what is said about someone, especially someone who deserves criticism, but doesn’t do good fact and context checking…