Christian Carnival CCLIX Posted
. . . at Parableman. Check it out!
. . . at Parableman. Check it out!
Have you ever heard a conversation like this? “You can’t legislate morality,” says one person. “Oh yes you can! We do it all the time. Murder is immoral and we legislate against it.” Interesting, no? For me, this gets combined with separation of church and state. I’m an advocate of separation. People will frequently ask…
I’ll be tackling this rather intense topic tonight and likely failing to hold it down and get it under control! Following the event I will post more resources. Informational Link: What Does It Mean to Survive Death? Google+ Event Page
John Shuck (Shuck and Jive) found this list here, and as I’m teaching a Sunday School class this morning precisely on who will be saved and how, I find it rather interesting. I would suggest that a group has to have something substantial that is both distinctive and held in common to be cohesive and…
As intelligent design (ID) propnents complain about censorship and freedom of speech, one thing is being ignored: They are getting their message out to the public, and any scientist who wishes to examine their data, should they care to provide some, can acquire the material should they desire to do so. In addition, high school…
On Meet the Press on Sunday Tavis Smiley made a comment that stuck with me. I have to extract this from a longer statement, and you can find the whole thing here. He said: … I think, though, it’s important to state that Obama’s election is a down payment on King’s dream, it is not…
Last night I interviewed author Doris Horton Murdoch about the importance of testimonies. Here’s the YouTube: In the Energion hangout for Consider Christianity Week tonight I’ll be joining Joel Watts and Elgin Hushbeck, Jr. to discuss Christian unity. Joel posted about this event today on his blog. The time is 7 pm central time. You…
Have you ever heard a conversation like this? “You can’t legislate morality,” says one person. “Oh yes you can! We do it all the time. Murder is immoral and we legislate against it.” Interesting, no? For me, this gets combined with separation of church and state. I’m an advocate of separation. People will frequently ask…
I’ll be tackling this rather intense topic tonight and likely failing to hold it down and get it under control! Following the event I will post more resources. Informational Link: What Does It Mean to Survive Death? Google+ Event Page
John Shuck (Shuck and Jive) found this list here, and as I’m teaching a Sunday School class this morning precisely on who will be saved and how, I find it rather interesting. I would suggest that a group has to have something substantial that is both distinctive and held in common to be cohesive and…
As intelligent design (ID) propnents complain about censorship and freedom of speech, one thing is being ignored: They are getting their message out to the public, and any scientist who wishes to examine their data, should they care to provide some, can acquire the material should they desire to do so. In addition, high school…
On Meet the Press on Sunday Tavis Smiley made a comment that stuck with me. I have to extract this from a longer statement, and you can find the whole thing here. He said: … I think, though, it’s important to state that Obama’s election is a down payment on King’s dream, it is not…
Last night I interviewed author Doris Horton Murdoch about the importance of testimonies. Here’s the YouTube: In the Energion hangout for Consider Christianity Week tonight I’ll be joining Joel Watts and Elgin Hushbeck, Jr. to discuss Christian unity. Joel posted about this event today on his blog. The time is 7 pm central time. You…
Have you ever heard a conversation like this? “You can’t legislate morality,” says one person. “Oh yes you can! We do it all the time. Murder is immoral and we legislate against it.” Interesting, no? For me, this gets combined with separation of church and state. I’m an advocate of separation. People will frequently ask…
I’ll be tackling this rather intense topic tonight and likely failing to hold it down and get it under control! Following the event I will post more resources. Informational Link: What Does It Mean to Survive Death? Google+ Event Page