A: Because obviously what Jesus would do is shoot them
Q: Why did the Arkansas house pass this bill?
This headline caught my attention: Osteens offer hope for today with new Bible. Obviously the headline doesn’t mean what one could construe it to mean; it’s a study Bible, not a rewritten Bible, but the headline still struck me as funny. I do have problems with single themed study Bibles, but that’s another post.
. . . at Diary of 1.
Thomas an excellent post on Everyday Liturgy, titled Evidence that Demands a Kingdom. This is part of a series, all of which have been good, but this one struck me most forcefully so far. Go, read it, and check out the links to the rest of the series.
I still have my Bible version selection tool active, and I’ve just added a directory of recent blog entries on the various versions to my Bible version detail pages. This substantially expands the amount of information available on each version page.
This is an announcement from my company, but the technology is very interesting. Books on demand has gone to a new level.
Troy Britain has it absolutely right on freedom of speech, with the added bonus that I get to agree with Christopher Hitchens at the same time, which doesn’t happen nearly as often.
On the other hand, you had the case in Colorado a while back where an arm security guard shot and killed a murder who had already killed several people at a Christian dorm, and had come to the church to kill more Christians. The fact that someone at the church had a gun saved a lot of lives. I am not necessarily for taking guns to church, but I dont want killers to think of churches as a place they can go to knowing that no one else there will have a gun.
I’m afraid I’m into trusting God on what happens in church. I am aware of the case in Colorado, but personally I choose “no.”
On the other hand, the headline thing was too much fun to resist!
There have been numerous cases of shootings by intruders at churches, notably in Texas a few years back. Even Columbine had an element of anti-faith bias in the shootings as the shooters sought out “jocks and Christians”. Attacks against Christians, Muslim and Jewish places of worship are fairly common.
In a “right to carry” state, the prohibition against state-sanctioned permit holders having their guns when they attend church is nonsense. Is it more permissible for them to have a concealed weapon in a grocery store than in a church?
You know if you have cops among your church membership there’s a definite chance they’re armed even in services. Same with some military.
When you carry concealed, a lot of folk think it’s an all the time thing or useless.
Well, I see my commenters seem to be in support of such a law. Let me just say that neither your comments, nor the fact (which I already knew) that people do carry concealed weapons in church makes me feel more secure.
But the reasons for that would take more time than a comment, and my whole post was a snarky one liner!