Next Christian Carnival (#248)
. . . will be at Fish and Cans. You have a couple of hours yet to submit your best work!
. . . will be at Fish and Cans. You have a couple of hours yet to submit your best work!
… at The Jevlir Caravansary. Check it out!
From Bruce Alderman: To be honest, I think the ugliest thing about Christianity is the pervasiveness of preachers and apologists who try to scare people into the faith, and who seek to reduce their flocks’ exposure to other viewpoints. … The entire post is worth reading. There’s a great deal of good material in the…
Rev. Geoffrey Lentz is a local United Methodist pastor. Some years ago before he went to seminary and learned better he was a student of mine. He sent a letter to Lifeway Christian Stores regarding their placement of a magazine about women pastors behind the counter. He sent me a copy and graciously gave permission…
My wife Jody is looking for a pastor in the west or northwest to answer about 5 questions regarding ministry in the UMC, with the interview to be published in the Bible Study Paths WebZine. She’s looking for someone who is currently pastoring a church. Your interview responses will be published in September alongside those…
Everybody, well almost, says they want Christian unity. It’s one of those Sunday School answers. It’s like saying, “Everybody who loves Jesus raise your hand” in a Sunday School class. But when you raise your hand for Christian unity, what do you mean? What is your vision? I’ve been thinking of this as I hear…
I wanted to report on this mutually agreed separation, because I have previously reported on the problems. (HT: Through a Glass Darkly.)