Anchor Bible for Logos
In comments to my earlier post on the Anchor Bible for pastors, Kent notes that the Anchor Bible will soon be available.
One of the best ways to avoid getting bogged down in details is to employ the search capabilities of an electronic version the ability to hyperlink from Scripture references to the Greek text and English translations. This is a far more useful way to use the Anchor Yale commentaries for preaching.
You might be interested in a new, electronic edition of the Anchor Yale Bible Commentaries from Logos Bible Software. It’s much easier to use than print versions, and about $2,500 cheaper.
I forgot to mention the website:
(There’s also an interesting discussion on the Logos Blog.)
Thanks to Kent for posting this here. I wish I could afford it, but even at the wonderful price, it’s beyond me at the moment. Those of you who can, however ….
I don’t know as this will solve all the problems I discussed regarding the value of the Anchor Bible for the busy pastor preparing a sermon, but it will certainly help in finding just the points that are relevant for current activity.
Sara Palan stated that the American troops in Iraq are part of Gods plan. Sara is more prophetic than people yet grasp. Her spiritual claim recorded on youtube represents a literal Bible prophecy revealed right here.. The Bible designates the state of Alaska in this Bible prophecy as Sara clearly states.. Gods greatest blessing must reach the utmost bound of the everlasting hills. This prophecy can be seen in Genesis chapter 49:22-26. The Rocky mountains represent the only chain of mountains on the earth which are continuous and endless. Early explorers could never find the end of these prophetic everlasting hills discovered in America. The Bible’s “utmost bounds” of the rockies would not describe south America nor central America, only the western United States can pinpoint North America where the the Rockies clearly lead upwards toward the utmost bounds of the Rockies which pinpoint the Alaska uttermost bounds exactly. The prophet Jacob promised the tribe of Joseph the greatest blessings for the end of days as located exactly at this spot. These Biblical Blessings were promises given above all the tribes of Israel. See Genesis 49:1 and Genesis 49:22. These are real prophecies in the Bible about Alaska. Sara openly describes the Alaska prophecy and makes it very clear why her people in the west must prepare their hearts for the blessings God has promised them! Both 9/11 and the Iraq war are biblical events which confirm to us why Sara feels so strongly about our troops in Iraq. This is an overview of my book dedicated to Sara Palins mission titled “Bible prophecies of 9-11” This is not just another good theory, but an actual Bible prophecy which clearly reveals the Iraq war and also 9/11. This prophecy is plainly written into the Bible. You will literally see the specific details of 9/11 within your own Bible! You will learn why Sara prays for Alaska to bless our nation! This election represents a biliclal moment in time. Critics are now working hard to prove that this discovery is false and have failed to uncover it as another hoax. We invite you to investigate this matter and follow along with your Bible and witness it for yourself. I am currently putting together a small group of christians to assist me on a national news story. A publishing organization affiliated with Salem communications has recently published their official press release which openly declares my biblical discovery to the public. This web sight can provide enough evidence for you to investigate the validity of my claim. I recently published this discovery which opens up a chain of clues dealing with King Nebuchadnezzar’s repentance process as recorded in Daniel chapter four. This recorded event resulted in God blessing Nebuchadnezzar and his ancient land located today in Iraq. That particular blessing involved future promises of freedom in the end times through great eagle’s wings. The eagle today is certainly the symbol of the United states currently bringing this freedom to Iraq as predicted in the Bible. I am contacting people who represent different denominations who can understand and explain type and shadow prophecies.. I am confident that a common continuity of opinion by such persons can validate my discovery to media sources as a worthy news story. This requires a non denominational approach to succeed. The interest factor for the media would be common agreement upon a specific biblical interpretation coming from differing faiths who agree upon a sound interpretation concerning one of the most important issues for this coming election about Iraq. As you know religion has become a central issue for presidential candidates opening up a rare opportunity to promote the importance of God and moral issues. Sara Palan is an example to christians for the following reasons. She has learned how to distinguish good from evil on a level where she no longer fears challenging evil. She sees deeply into the hearts of the people who are hiding an evil agenda. This book teaches you how to see the world the way Sara sees it. The wicked became afraid from the very first moment Sara came upon the national scene. These people instinctively knew that Sara could see them for who they were and could not be controled by their fear. Once christians become enlightened by this book they can gain the same understanding Sara has learned through both experience and wisdom. Christ warns us about people he described as evil vipers. Few can see the depth of exactly why such persons are so dangerous as they work in darkness to destroy everything good. Sara actually fought and removed such people from power in Alaska because she fully understands the depth such evil by knowing how to unmask their vulnerabilities. Simply by having your eyes opened to see good from evil as taught within this book one can likewise be enlightened like Sara Palan. The book “Bible prophecies of 9/11” teaches you how to see the monster which is hidden from public view freeing your mind and spirit from the destructive blindness most people cannot fully see. Through this wisdom you gain power over such influences and free your soul from being trapped by their cunning snares. Some of the top conservative sights in America currently have my video presentation posted and available for public view. You may view my video on the Rush Limbaugh’s official myspace page. You may view it on Laura Ingrams page as well as numerous other conservative sights and blogs. The Iraq war will be of major political interest during the election. This is rather timely and important. This may be a way for you and others to gain national recognition by helping us unite christian denominations during a critical election year. This is also a chance for people of faith to show our troops a united support for their mission as one christian voice. If you are interested please feel free to view our video and test my biblical claims. Please call concerning any and all questions. Looking forward to hearing from you soon. Scroll back upward to video (one) before playing part number(two)directly below.