Suggest BOTH of them Resign

Senator [tag]Larry Craig[/tag] says he won’t resign even though his attempt to withdraw his guilty plea failed. It seems that some Republicans are afraid that if they urge Senator Craig to resign, it will appear that they are discriminating–what about Senator [tag]David Vitter[/tag]?

The Idaho Republican’s decision gives his GOP colleagues two unpleasant choices. They can resume pressuring him to leave, and risk being seen as disloyal politicians who go harder on alleged homosexual misdeeds than on heterosexual wrongdoings. (Source:

Well, how about urging both senators to resign? Both engaged in behavior that they have publicly condemned and at least claim to be illegal. It seems to me that the party of family values might take a stand somewhere short of activities that are felonies.

The other senators shouldn’t try to expel either one. Certainly one can be convicted of a misdemeanor and still serve in office. The real “term limiters” are the voters of each man’s state. But their colleagues can make it clear that their behavior and their hypocrisy are unacceptable.

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