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When Prayer is Depressing
One of the depressing things about prayer is just what will catch media attention. In this article, we’re told about Stuart Shepard of Focus on the Family praying that it would rain on Barack Obama’s speech at the Democratic National Convention. I had seen this at the time, but it came back to my…
Of United Methodists and Beth Moore
From time to time various Methodists get very worked up about the idea that members of United Methodist congregations are using Beth Moore studies in their study groups and Sunday School classes. Via Facebook I encountered an older post regarding Methodists and Beth Moore. That article is actually quite restrained and gentle by comparison to…
Greg Boyd and Spiritual Warfare
Scot McKnight has a post titled Greg Boyd and Hostile Forces, referencing Boyd’s contribution to the book Understanding Spiritual Warfare: Four Views. This is a book I’m adding to my reading list. The thing that interests me most about this is the idea that scripture doesn’t (broadly) support the idea that everything that happens is…
This Does NOT Represent Family Values
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Christian Carnival CCLVIII Posted
. . . at Fathom Deep. I forgot to submit anything, but as usual there’s lots of good stuff.
The Prosperity Gospel
And another exciting entry, more than a week old, from Ben Witherington, this time, ‘Just in Time’– ‘God Wants You Wealthy’, dealing with the “health and wealth gospel” or “prosperity gospel.” I’m very slow to condemn movements, but the prosperity gospel seems to be just about diametrically opposed to the spirit of Jesus Christ. Go,…