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Philophronos Blogroll Growing

Laura has a good post welcoming the latest member of the Philophronos Blogroll, Pen of the Wayfarer. I join in welcoming a new member, and I’d also like to remind readers what this idea is about.

But first, it is not about hiding your light under a bushel, diminishing your witness, or glossing over what you truly believe. If you look at Laura’s blog and mine you’ll see that she supports the war in Iraq while I oppose it. We haven’t changed our minds, nor do we pretend to think that the other position has more merit than we used to. What Philophronos blogging calls for is that you express your opinions about the facts, and much less about people’s character. Of course there are times when it is appropriate to talk about character, but when you do, it should relate to evidence and not just innuendo.

There is no Philophonos police force, who read your blog to decide whether you have lived up to some set of rules. Rather, this is something you take on yourself, and your readers get to judge whether you’re living up to your claim. I think there is an enormous amount that we can learn from one another, which is one reason that I read more conservative blogs each day than liberal ones. My moderation tilts a bit leftward, so I balance my reading a bit rightward. And no, I don’t expect that conservative readers will believe that I have given their views adequate attention even so, but that’s not the point. The point is that I do learn from people who disagree with me.

So if you’re a Christian blogger, consider the Philophronos Blogroll.

Note: The text Laura quotes, 1 Peter 3:15-16, is also the theme text for Consider Christianity Week, concerning which I will blog next. (See also Consider Christianity Week 2007 on the Pacesetters Bible School, Inc. web site.)

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