
An Individual in Unity with Himself

An individual identifying himself as yes2truth left a comment with reference to my new moderate Christian blogroll. I don’t usually do this, but the comment is so ironic that I just had to call attention to it. I must warn you that the irony level is off the scale.

yes2truth said:

My full question is this:

Why do we need moderate Christians? In fact, why do we need any kind of pigeon holed Christian group?

If I answered this normally, I would suggest that we should first be Christians and second members of whatever particular fellowship we belong to. I do think that there is a value in denominational organizations as long as they are not exclusive.

But in the context of what follows, the question is itself ironic. It’s rare that someone makes my point for me so clearly, but people frequently complain about the factionalism of others, or how other churches are preventing true Christian unity, while what they really want is for all Christians to unify around their concept of what is true. You can find tiny groups of people all over the world who claim to be in exclusive possession of the truth, and who would expect that the rest of Christianity would unify if they would just understand that the particular little group had truth locked up.

yes2truth says:

We are commanded to be likeminded and I can see nothing in mainstream ‘Christianity’ that I could possibly be likeminded with. All they do is divide and then subdivide into thousands of demon-inations or divisions.

Oh the irony! The various groups are dividing up, but this one person is somehow promoting unity, all by himself. “Everybody was out of step, except my Johnny,” says the proud mother.

yes2truth continues:

Some liberal ‘mastermind’ comes up with a new jargon word or phrase -’progressive’, ‘emerging’ and ‘driven’ are the latest stupid and meaningless non-Biblical words. Then there is a revolt in the ranks, followed by an emotional knee jerk reaction, then off they go to form yet another ‘fundamentalist’ legalistic group. In turn all you ‘moderates’ gather in your little enclaves to protect yourselves from the zealots!! [emphasis mine]

I put the various “pigeonhole” terms in bold just so emphasize them. Apparently pigeonholing is only bad when people other than yes2truth do it.

yes2truth continues:

The irony of all this splintering is the basic fact that none of you or them ever come to any understanding of The Truth.

No, the irony, rather is that yes2truth actually missed all the really ironic stuff, whilst producing more irony for the rest of us. It’s amazing how unified one Christian can be with himself!

yes2truth continues:

In one camp you’ve got assorted 21st century Greeks (Philosophers, Bible intellectuals and theologians) and in the other camp assorted 21st century Pharisees (men of religion and legalism).

I’m guessing that yes2truth prefers people who don’t actually study their Bible seriously.

yes2truth continues:

There you have it Mr Neufeld and not a pretty picture.

Yes indeed, yes2truth, there I have it–one of the best examples of how not to promote Christian unity I’ve seen in some time. It’s good to have to extremes presented to us every so often just so we can know where the boundaries are.

As a passionate moderate, I’m passionately opposed to the notion that I or anyone else is in possession of all the truth. While we remain finite, we will see “dimly in a mirror” (1 Corinthians 13:12). That’s all of us. The key element, as I see it, of moderate Christianity is not hiding away from anyone, but rather being ready to be in conversation with anyone. Yes, that includes those who do believe they have all the truth. As a moderate, I suggest we find those elements on which we can agree and work together on those, while we continue to discuss the things about which we cannot agree.

I feel great pity for anyone who thinks they have arrived and have nowhere further to go. That is the most destructive attitude of mind or spirit that one can have.

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  1. “An individual in unity with himself”

    I am an individual in unity with Jesus Christ Mr Nuefeld, and the fact that you are in disagreement with me says only one thing, you are in unity with someone else, and I don’t mean your fellow Laodiceans. Furthermore, I am not alone Mr Nuefeld and like Elijah learnt, there are the ‘7,000’ out there, that I do not know, but I do know that they are there for they have always been there through the generations, keeping themselves from being tainted by religion and moderate ‘Christianity’.

    “I must warn you that the irony level is off the scale.”

    Well that’s more than can be said for your moderate ‘Christianity’! Being moderate, it doesn’t register on any scale, because its liberal worldly wishy-washy condition is so weak it couldn’t even reach No. 1 on a scale of 1,000. On the other hand Moderate ‘Christianity’ does register on one scale – The Spew Scale in Revelation 3 where The Lord is going to remove you, post haste, from His mouth like so much vomit unless you repent. An even worse picture for you to contemplate Mr Nuefeld!!

    “If I answered this normally, I would suggest that we should first be Christians and second members of whatever particular fellowship we belong to. I do think that there is a value in denominational organizations as long as they are not exclusive.”

    If we are Christians (Born Again) then we are The Church – The Ecclesia – those called out. ‘Membership’ of any other organisation is of man, not of God, and is just man made nonsense, vanity, surplus to requirements and certainly not Scriptural. Believers can gather together but they don’t need re-branding and (my favourite) pigeon holing.

    “But in the context of what follows, the question is itself ironic. It’s rare that someone makes my point for me so clearly, but people frequently complain about the factionalism of others, or how other churches are preventing true Christian unity, while what they really want is for all Christians to unify around their concept of what is true.”

    That’s interesting, how have I made your point? It’s impossible, because you pontificate about ‘unity’ which is not what The Lord wants. He wants likemindedness in The Truth in His Church, and being a moderate you are so far removed from The Truth, who is Jesus Christ by the way, that likemindedness with you is an impossibilty, until you repent of course. What you want i.e. unity of the demon-inations will never happen because when The Lord returns He will wipe demon-inations from the face of the earth along with The Whore in Rome – the mother of the demon-inations. What will you do with all your moderacy then Mr Nuefeld?

    “while what they really want is for all Christians to unify around their concept of what is true.”

    The Truth is The Truth and there is only one Truth – Jesus Christ and any Spiritual babe in Christ would know you are not of The Truth, but of men.

    “You can find tiny groups of people all over the world who claim to be in exclusive possession of the truth, and who would expect that the rest of Christianity would unify if they would just understand that the particular little group had truth locked up.”

    As already stated I don’t want ‘unity’ I want repentance and so does The Lord and it sounds like there are others like myself out there.

    “I put the various “pigeonhole

  2. yes2truth said:

    [nothing new]

    Your assertion that you have the truth doesn’t make it so. To me, you just look like another pigeon-hole, smaller, more belligerent, and less credible.

  3. I don’t assert, The Lord asserts, I am only His messenger or one of His brothers and the Father’s sons. I am how all Christians should be, not weak and unsure of what The Word of God says and thereby watering it down to become ‘inclusive’ ‘progressive’ and ‘liberal’

    Here are my blogs on Grace and other mistaught Scriptures. You need these or you will never escape your liberal religious prison. Once you understand Grace you will then grow in faith.





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