Suppressed and Talking about it Everywhere
After reading this review of Expelled!, (HT: The Panda’s Thumb) based only on the 10 minute trailer, I decided to go view the various trailers for myself. This is a movie that I have very little interest in seeing. Let me explain that. It’s not that I don’t want to hear about ID, but I…
Some Dialogue on Inerrancy
. . . via if i were a bell, i’d ring. Check it out and the links.
Prayer or Medicine
I was going to write about his, but Laura has already done a good job. Like my dad the doctor taught me, there’s no need to make it either/or; it’s both/and.
No More -MORE-
OK, the votes are in and I see some people who don’t like -MORE- tags, and nobody who really, really wants them, so I’m going to go with my inclinations and not use them at all. I used them so rarely, and so inconsistently that it was probably not going to work anyhow. Thanks to…
Church and Health Care: Remembering My Parents
Mark, at Pseudo-Polymath has written a post, The Christian Response to Healthcare and End of Life, which has what I consider the greatest quality for blog posts: It deserves to be discussed. My immediate problem is that there are simply too many things to discuss, and I’m a long winded person in any case. So…
Christian Carnival #CCXVII Posted
. . . at Diary of 1.
Christian Health Care
Pseudo-Polymath has posted on Christian duty and health care, and used one of my quotes, though I’m not sure what the relevance of the quote is. His comments, however, are interest, and are making me think. As the son of a missionary MD (father) and RN (mother) I’m very interested in the topic and may…
On the KJV
I’ve been posting on this topic over on my Participatory Bible Study Blog, and since it has started to involve religion and society, especially education, I thought I’d call attention to it. I feel a rant coming on about the descent of modern education into irrelevance, but it will have to wait for tomorrow.
Audiences and the KJV
. . . or any Bible translation, for that matter. My post on reading from the KJV elicited a response from Iyov, who doesn’t agree with a number of things, some of which I haven’t said. But some of them I have said, so I want to clarify just a bit. Note that I will…
-MORE- Tags: To Use or Not
The -MORE- tag in this blog software breaks out a portion of the post to show on the main page, while requiring you to click on a link if you wish to continue reading. I keep trying to remember to use them, but I generally forget. What do you readers think? Do you like to…
Political Purity and Small Political Parties
With Ralph Nader on the left and Allan Keyes on the right, and the Libertarian Party wherever they may be found, we certainly have options for voting third party this year. I have voted for third parties in the past, specifically for the Libertarian Party, though I once offended a roomful of Libertarians who were…
Replacing Reading Scripture with Presentation
Lingamish made an excellent comment on my previous post, which I want to promote into a post of its own along with a few comments of my own. There are a lot of variables to fiddle with on this subject. We tend to assume that reading out loud while a room full of people listen…
Reading from the KJV
I chose to do my lectionary reading today from the KJV, and specifically from an edition of the C. I. Scofield study Bible. This is an interesting exercise for me, since I grew up on the KJV. In fact, it’s no harder for me to do my reading from the KJV than from a very…
Acts 2:45 – A Short and Simple Lesson in Gender Accuracy
This passage in the KJV reads: And sold their possessions and goods, and parted them to all men, as every man had need. [italics in original] Note that the italicized “men” is an indication from the KJV translators that this was an addition of a word not reflected in the Greek. But the adjective here,…
Judas Richardson?
James Carville thinks Bill Richardson is like Judas. He could be right, provided that you accept the notion that Hillary Clinton is entitled to the presidency, and that anyone who served with her or her husband has a duty to support her. I suspect instead that Carville isn’t too well acquainted with the story of…
Is Anything Biblical?
Over on Complegalitarian Wayne Leman asks whether either side of the complementarian/egalitarian debate should claim to be Biblical. Since I am openly egalitarian, perhaps I should try to answer the question “is egalitarianism Biblical?” instead. But the fact is that I’d rather question the term “Biblical,” as indeed some of the commenters to Wayne’s post…
Believing in Words and Symbols
In a previous post I discussed “true belief” and some of the comments have gotten quite interesting. I’ve considered promoting part of the exchange with commenter Lifewish to a post of its own. One commenter mentioned the issue of essentially believing the Nicene Creed as opposed to a more simple statement of belief in God,…
Happy Easter!
I’m waiting till it’s time to head off for our Easter service with my wife, so I thought I’d wish everyone a happy Easter. I don’t expect to post more today, though I’m going to follow an older church practice by talking about Easter through the Easter season. I’m going to call your attention to…
Bible Version Selection Tool XML
I have made this tool’s information available through an RSS (like) feed. For information on how to use this feed, see my post on my computer services blog.
Series on Women in Ministry
I found a series on women in ministry via my Blogrush widget (look right and down a bit). It’s quite good, in four parts, part 1, part 2, part 3, and part 4. Check it out.
On Being a True Believer
I’ve been thinking of writing this ever since I read Joe Carter’s post Plagued by Certainty, but I haven’t really had the time. You see, while there are certainly many things regarding which I disagree with Joe Carter, I find a certain resonance with his claim of certainty in matters of faith. This certainty does…
What is a Level Playing Field?
According to the New York Times, Dr. Richard Dawkins “withered” when confronted with questions in the screening of expelled: Mr. Mathis said in an interview that he had confronted Dr. Dawkins in the question and answer period after the screening and that Dr. Dawkins withered. “These people who own the academic establishment and who have…
Expelled! Humor
This is simply too funny. Put down your coffee. Chew and swallow whatever food you may have put in your mouth. OK. Ready. Go read this post on Panda’s Thumb. [Don’t read on until you’ve read the linked post.] I’ve been amused at the way the producers have been promoting Expelled!, annoyed by the way…
NOTHING Ends on Friday
I want to recommend my wife’s encouraging Good Friday post NOTHING Ends on Friday. Sometimes we see holy week just as a commemoration of the past, but there are life lessons here as well.