Yoko Ono Files Suit Against Expelled!
More information at Freespace.
. . . but Barack Obama has chosen Joe Biden as his running mate.
. . . at Lingamish. [Note: Linked post withdrawn by author Lingamish.] Well worth reading.
While I’m at talking about the auto industry, how about the following headline from MNSBC.com: Republicans to Detroit: Drop dead Biased? Read the article yourself and see if that’s what the Republicans in question were saying.
Thomas an excellent post on Everyday Liturgy, titled Evidence that Demands a Kingdom. This is part of a series, all of which have been good, but this one struck me most forcefully so far. Go, read it, and check out the links to the rest of the series.
. . . but on target. I refer to this post on Pursuing Holiness. My own preference is that churches and religious organizations define marriage for their own constituents, and the state simply define households. Laura’s words about free speech destroying human rights committees are also on target.
I often read a few lines of these scam e-mails just because they are so poorly written. Today I got a new one purporting to be from one “Sgt. David Brown” a “U. S. Marine Capt.” in Iraq. The stupid scammers should spend more time on research.