Free New Testament Commentary Ebooks
The regular Kindle prices are great, but Baker is offering selected commentaries free for one day on Jan. 9 (past, alas!), Jan. 16, and Jan 23. Today’s is on James. More at Evangelical Textual Criticism.
The regular Kindle prices are great, but Baker is offering selected commentaries free for one day on Jan. 9 (past, alas!), Jan. 16, and Jan 23. Today’s is on James. More at Evangelical Textual Criticism.
I try not to call what I do here “reviewing” as I don’t really try to provide an academic review. In fact, I might do better to call these “Ramblings after Reading.” In the case of this book I need to provide an additional caveat. Dave Black is a friend, and I publish several books…
I’m creating a separate blog as I start to post Bible studies online. Threads from Henry’s Web is a place for me to post general commentary and background information on religion functioning in the world. As I got ready to start blogging through the book of Hebrews, I started to believe that it would be…
My primary training in biblical studies placed an overwhelming emphasis on historical study. The idea was to get at the original meaning of the text as it would have been understood by those who first heard or read it. I should note that amongst my professors there was some desire to look at reception, and…
September 14, 2003 17th Sunday after Pentecost The following are the suggested passages: Proverbs 1:20-33 and Psalm 19 or Wisdom of Solomon 7:26-8:1 Or Isaiah 50:4-9a and Psalm 116:1-9 James 3:1-12 Mark 8:27-38 Proverbs 1:20-33 This hymn to Wisdom personified is both beautiful and very important to the balance of the church. …
Over on Philosoraptor, Carol Roper has an open letter to theists entitled Sick and Tired of God Talk. Carol talks about how tired she is of various standard questions from theists, general theists who want to convert her, and in this country one would assume mostly Christian theists. Carol is an adamant atheist, and she…
One of my pet peeves is the way “literal” is used in discussing biblical interpretation. The problem is not just that the word has changed meaning; rather, it is now scattered all over the map. “Literal” comes to mean anything from “seriously” to “severely out of context” much more often than it means “literal as…