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Psalm 119:79 – To Me

Let those who fear you turn to me,
so they may understand your testimonies.

Sometimes we’re afraid to point to ourselves. It seems arrogant or proud to ask someone else to follow your example, or even to turn to you to learn. The rule of teacher or mentor is demanding.

But there are many times when we need to be willing to put ourselves on the line as examples, teachers, and mentors. We’re called on to make disciples. Other people are bound to ask how we are doing as disciples.

Now none of this means that we are to present ourselves as perfect or even as better than everyone else. There’s also no reason to claim that we are doing all this on our own. If one bathes in this Psalm a bit, one cannot imagine the Psalmist as presenting himself as faultless. Over and over he asks God to get him on the path and keep him on the path.

But having asked God to do so, he believes God will do that. As such, he can ask God to send others to him personally precisely because all of those prayers have been answered. His desire is to keep God’s law, and God is working in him, so others can learn from him.

Look around you. Is there someone that God could send your way to learn about God’s testimonies? Watch for them and let God work through you for them.

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