New Greek New Testament
I haven’t used it, but it’s getting good reviews, including for an easily read font and quality paper. I’ve put a 25% discount on it in my store.
I haven’t used it, but it’s getting good reviews, including for an easily read font and quality paper. I’ve put a 25% discount on it in my store.
This review is of a Bible I received as a #BibleGatewayPartner. When I set out to review a Bible, I find it difficult to determine precisely what I should discuss. There is the translation it is based on, the nature and extent of the notes, the theological positions that drive those notes, and elements of…
… I’ve attained #19 on the top 50 list, and do not appear in the Biblical Studies carnival (there’s good reason for this), which is extremely well done and links to some excellent posts.
. . . at Codex. No, I’m not a participant, but it’s a source of good reading.
Those who read this blog regularly are probably already aware that I have mixed emotions about study Bibles. I would say “love-hate relationship” but none of my feelings about study Bibles attains the level of “love.” Via Sun and Shield I found a review on First Things of The Green Bible. I recommend reading the…
It is not entirely helpful to include these two sections under the same heading, but there is certainly a break between 5:13 and 5:14, so the division is understandable as Baker does it. We’re moving here to sacrifices that are required, first for inadvertent acts in chapter 4, and then for acts of omission that…
Polycarp has a very useful list of online lexicons.