Biblical Studies Carnival Posted
… at Thatjeffcarter Was Here.
… at Thatjeffcarter Was Here.
I frequently recommend reading the story of the exodus through conquest as a kind of connected narrative, trying to learn from the stories. The problem I’ve discovered is that many people skip over the ceremonial and legal parts of the Bible and thus often miss important narrative points that are interleaved with those elements. Ultimately,…
. . . at Thinking Christian.
… at and by Jim West (Funhouse Edition).
I intended to get started on my response to the NLT Study Bible (Bible Nlt) written a bit earlier, but several things have kept me from getting started. I’m going to write two posts today and tomorrow. This first one is simply a quick, preliminary reaction to this new study edition based on the NLT…
I’m not a student (at least in the traditional sense), but looks good. Check it out. (HT: New Testament Resources)
James McGrath has posted episode two of the Biblical Studies Carnival, The Biblioblogs Strike Back. Fun!