Reaching Those in a Cult Situation
The best advice I’ve heard on this topic is provided in a short post by Elizabeth Esther.
Takeway? Be a listening ear.
The best advice I’ve heard on this topic is provided in a short post by Elizabeth Esther.
Takeway? Be a listening ear.
Laura has a good post with some material from Dr. John Piper. I have previously disagreed with Piper on PSA, whilst joyfully and vigorously agreeing with him on hearing God’s voice. In this case, I agree with him on both items, even though my placid nature would probably have resulted in a less vigorous use…
I’ve used the term phrase “divine-human combination” or something quite close to it several times over the last few days. It’s easy to make it appear that this concept of inspiration, sometimes called “incarnational” is largely a tool to deal with the difficult parts of scripture. When I read “love your neighbor as yourself” I…
Laura has another good post on Pursuing Holiness on hearing the voice of God. She says: It’s very convicting to realize how easily I recognize voices – even of people I’ve never met – from the world, and how I struggle to discern God’s will in my life. So what’s the difference? Exposure. Just so!…
Well, I wasn’t sure it would happen, but it has. I agree with a portion of Dr. Wayne Grudem’s comments in the seventh part of Adrian Warnock’s interview with him, Things We Can Agree to Disagree About? Of course, he reaffirms the key points on which I disagree profoundly, namely that making penal substitutionary atonement…
Scot McKnight has some excellent advice.
You will find more infographics at Statista Interesting! It used to be said that if the habit is established while they’re young, they won’t lose it later. I don’t know how true that might have been, but it doesn’t appear to work in this chart.