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Seventh-Day Adventist vs Methodist on Family Guy

As an ex-SDA who is now Methodist, I just have to share this video:


Now my experience amongst Methodists is that most will just shrug their shoulders about worship on Saturday. They get a little more tense about soul sleep.

I have encountered a few Methodists who are like the one in the video, generally those who really have no idea what SDAs believe.

On the other hand, I’ve gotten some very interesting reactions from SDAs who discover I’m ex-SDA and now Methodist. At one meeting where I had brought one of our Energion authors who is SDA, I was cornered by someone at the book table afterward who said he simply couldn’t understand how one could ever have doctrinal disagreements with the SDA church. Take it from me—it’s really quite easty! It’s only fair to point out that our hosts at that church were embarrassed and apologized to me for his behavior, though I actually didn’t mind.


(HT: Spectrum)

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