Self-Quote of the Day
Is this a new high (or low) in narcissism?
I’m always interested to see what others quote of what I say. I must confess that normally things I write that impress me don’t impress others (at least based on the number of views), while often something I bat off in a couple of minutes and then forget about draws attention draws in multiples of the views and gets links and retweets.
In any case, nearly two years ago I wrote a post for my wife’s devotional list, and today she reposted it. It included a paragraph I want to quote:
… First, the Holy Spirit enabled the disciples to challenge their world. They didn’t call for some little decision, such as going to church once a week, or attending a small group. They called on people to be transformed, and then to transform the world. Second, the power of the preaching involved both the Holy Spirit and the personal testimony of the disciples. They talked about what they knew and what they had witnessed (emphasis mine, but added today).
I’m wondering if I live up to that. No, that’s not quite it. I’m pretty certain I don’t, but I’d like to.
What about you?