Marks of a Unified Church
Walter Brueggemann suggests how we might avoid getting tangled up on secondary issues:
(HT: Allan R. Bevere)
Walter Brueggemann suggests how we might avoid getting tangled up on secondary issues:
(HT: Allan R. Bevere)
Articles VIII-XIII of the Together for the Gospel statement all deal with salvation, in this case with a strong focus on justification. (Note that the link above is to the final revision of the statement rather than the earlier form I have referenced in previous comments.) Those who have read my previous entries on this…
Tonight will be my last study hangout for the year as I look at eschatology and advent. You can see more at the Google+ event page. In January I will restart this series by looking at Isaiah. Here’s the YouTube:
. . . at Chasing the Wind. Enjoy!
This was so good I had to embed it!
Now we’re afraid our neighbors might think we’re weird. A Christian ministry founder says he believes American Christians are not ready for persecution. I wonder what was his first clue? [HT: Dispatches]
My wife Jody is again writing about the first century church. She wonders if we want to just visit it for one hour per week. We have both previously written on this topic. To be honest, I don’t think that many people are really interested in a church like the first century church. I suspect…
Brilliant last line! – Love it – thanks.
That’s a powerful message for 2:22! I really enjoyed it as well.