Might It Be Significant
…that a post I wrote Oct 31, 2008, titled The Advantages of Stoning False Prophets, is tied with one other as the most read post this week?
…that a post I wrote Oct 31, 2008, titled The Advantages of Stoning False Prophets, is tied with one other as the most read post this week?
I was reminded this morning that it was Veteran’s Day, not that I had forgotten, because I got an early note of thanks from my wife, who regularly thanks me for me military service, defending, as she always notes, her freedom. At the same time, I will either read or hear from some Christian friends…
Dr. W. Robert Godfrey, president of Westminster Seminary California, says that it does, according to the Christian Post. Dr. Godfrey, who was in the youth group taught by Camping at Alameda Christian Reformed Church, says that Camping reads the Bible like an engineer, lacks knowledge of the original languages, and doesn’t know how to read…
… at Crossroads.
… at Codex. I encourage Christian bloggers to get involved by submitting their best work each week and volunteering to host.
I read Joshua 24, including Joshua’s farewell speech today. There are quite a number of texts in this chapter that are quoted regularly without any knowledge of their source or of the circumstances. One is Joshua 24:15 “… as for me and my house, we will serve the LORD.” Now there’s a pink elephant in…
I recall an argument in my freshman year in college, in which a fellow-student who was much larger than I was decided to end the debate by saying, “I think I’ll just beat you up!” He could have too. I wouldn’t have stood a chance. So obviously he was right. Well, I’ve found a second…