The Bible and Abortion
John Hobbins is off to a promising start discussing what the Bible says about abortion. I’ll be interested in seeing his take on Exodus 21:22-25, and may post some thoughts of my own when the time comes.
John Hobbins is off to a promising start discussing what the Bible says about abortion. I’ll be interested in seeing his take on Exodus 21:22-25, and may post some thoughts of my own when the time comes.
Good news! The case against Abdul Rahman has been dismissed, according to a news story on MSNBC, Afghan Christian converts case to be reviewed. If this is true, this is wonderful news. The downside may be the reaction of conservatives in Afghanistan where the new government of Hamid Karzai may find itself under increasing pressure…
Imagine being on a ministry committee with the responsibility for examining the plan for Jesus and his congregation (the disciples) going to Jerusalem that final week. What would you consider? What would you recommend? From my observations of the various decision making bodies in churches, I suspect there would have been a few people who…
I want to call attention to a post I read this morning, Can a Dying Church Find Life? Six Radical Steps to “Yes” (HT: Allan Bevere). Then I want to call attention again to a series of responses to a set of interview questions given by some Energion Publications authors on renewing mainline congregations. The…
The furor over this poor guy has illustrated to me one of the problems of presidential campaigning in America. It’s not about analyzing policies to determine who they impact, to what extent, and for what purpose, nor indeed it is about whether the policies will accomplish that purpose. It’s rather all about engaging people’s emotions….
Dave Warnock has made an interesting discovery while looking at the interview with Wayne Grudem that Adrian Warnock is publishing on his blog (#6 entry). Jesus has been almost totally left out of the argument. I commented on the type of view of scripture that seems to lead to this previously, and in my recent…
Tacky title, eh? I don’t apologize. I had fun constructing it. The other day someone asked me whether there were any scriptures I liked to go to when I was having problems. I gave the answer immediately and then explained, but I’m going to do the opposite here. I’m going to explain and then tell…
Here’s my treatment of the Exodus passage:
I discuss it in light of the text’s impact and trajectory in Jewish tradition.
Another approach would be discuss it against the background of ANE analogues. The Hittite laws vary the monetary compensation based on the gestational age of the fetus. The legal consequences of causing a woman to miscarry if the woman dies are variations on the principle of lex talionis in the Code of Hammurabi and the middle Assyrian laws. If the pregnant woman who dies belonged to the upper class, her assailant’s daughter was put to death – an example of vicarious punishment. The Middle Assyrians even prescribe torture of the guilty side. Only the oldest laws, the Sumerian laws, make a distinction between accidental and intentional assault.
You covered what I would have (the ancient background), and I agree with your summary, and then you covered a bunch more. There’s nothing for me to add!