1 Chronicles 14:1-16:3 (The Ark Again)

I’m continuing my notes on 1 Chronicles, working from the Cornerstone Biblical Commentary volume on 1 & 2 Chronicles by Mark J. Boda.

One of the strengths of this particular commentary is making the themes of the book and the connections between the various passages very clear.  The chronicler presents his theology in the form of story, and if you aren’t paying attention things will slip past you.  Some commentaries can make following the themes in a book more complex than the book itself.  Boda is very clear and easy to follow.

In chapter 10 we find that Saul is rejected because he is disobedient and is seeking his guidance from someone other than God.  In chapter 13, we discussed Uzzah and the ark, as David tries to move the ark without due consideration of the proper procedure.  In chapter 15 the ark is moved according to the rules.  It might be tempting to regard chapter 14 as an unrelated interlude, but in that chapter we have the story of David encountering the Philistines twice, and each time he seeks God’s will.  Then in chapter 15 he admits that he did it wrong last time and does it right.

There is also the theme in Chronicles of the proper role of the Levites and priests, and indeed I get a taste here of a call for Torah observance, a message that certainly fits with the post-exilic situation.

I know this note is brief and general, but I think you can get the feel of the passage … and read it for yourself!

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