Finding Darwin’s God
James McGrath recommends it and I agree. My review here.
James McGrath recommends it and I agree. My review here.
The World of Jeeves is an omnibus collection of stories about Jeeves and Wooster. If you’re a fan, this is a great collection. I have to admit that I had only read a little bit before I picked up this volume, but I am a fan of almost any British humor and Jeeves and Wooster…
Laura links to a new site on creation and evolution written by someone she knows, and I wanted to promote the link to an actual post. I must say that I have substantial areas of disagreement with the post she directly links on thermodynamics, but I’m so involved on the theological side right now, which… has a good review of A Reader’s Greek New Testament. I find the concept interesting for new Greek students or those wishing to improve their skills through quantity reading. It’s often hard for new students to move from the word-by-word mode to actually reading Greek, and this is the sort of tool that can…
There’s an excellent, thoughtful post on An Evangelical Dialog on Evolution, titled When the Acceptance of Biological Evolution has Personal or Professional Repercussions. I think this strikes closer home to those who are evangelicals in the United States, because their institutions are more likely to be subject to fundamentalist pressure on the issue of [tag]evolution[/tag]….
I first encountered Elizabeth George’s work through the videos of the Lynley series. My experience is that the movie version is never up to the quality of the book, so in this case I was quite hopeful as I turned to the books for the first time. I was not disappointed. Elizabeth George presents character…
At the beginning of the month I wrote a post about pointing texts at yourself first. I think it’s important to do so both in order to avoid misinterpretation or unbalanced emphasis, but also because in communicating the message you will do better in expressing something that has convicted you first. The temptation, of course,…