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Government Regulated Media != Free Media
The following from YouTube illustrates why I simply don’t trust politicians for anything. There being a perceived imbalance in talk radio in favor of conservatives, to which I say “Who cares?”, a number of liberals are now calling for government control, obviously because we all know that the government is always fair in the way…
Christian Carnival CXLVIII Posted
Christian Carnival CXLVIII is now available at Crossroads for your reading pleasure. I will again try to post some links to some of the posts that catch my attention. I rarely get time to link to all of them.
Addicted to Arguing?
Yes, that might be me! Peter Laarman at RD Magazine says many in American protestantism are addicted to arguing, and need to learn that arguments don’t win people over–contact with people and sharing of stories does it. He titles his piece Why Liberal Religious Arguments Fail, but while I’m well aware of many liberal examples,…
An Election for the 90s
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Christian Politics
I appreciated this post from Monastic Mumblings. (HT: The Moderate Christian Blogroll [RSS]) I would like two add just a couple of notes. First, I think we begin to depend on politics when we cease to depend on the gospel. If we truly believe that Jesus can change lives, then we also must believe that…
Reflection after the Election
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