N. T. Wright on Genesis 1-3
Some excellent thoughts at the BioLogos Foundation blog Science and the Sacred.
Some excellent thoughts at the BioLogos Foundation blog Science and the Sacred.
Is this a new high (or low) in narcissism? I’m always interested to see what others quote of what I say. I must confess that normally things I write that impress me don’t impress others (at least based on the number of views), while often something I bat off in a couple of minutes and…
The Gonzalez tenure issue has bothered me considerably, and not for the reasons that the Discovery Institute would like. There seems to be a bias that suggests that academic freedom must mean that there are no constraints whatsoever on what a professor may teach or do, before or after hiring and before or after tenure….
I have not been very excited about the vatican over the last few years, and I was not overjoyed when the current pope was elected, but in general since I’m not a catholic, it’s not something I get very excited about. But the current round of protests about the Pope’s quotation of a medieval text…
Using Google Hangouts on Air I’ll be having a conversation with Nick May and Heath Taws, two authors who are also young adults involved in pastoral ministry. Join the excitement! Embedded YouTube player below:
When I wrote much earlier about Jeremiah Wright, I tried just a little bit to put it in context of the African American church as I’ve experienced it. That effort was weakened by the fact that I’ve never attended TUCC, and thus anyone could say I was reflecting a very different experience based on those…
This is to go for the reading for the week of August 26-31, 2019 in the Daily Bible Study series. What Was It Like? This is especially related to the reading for August 29, Psalm 33:3-9.