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The Chicken Dance Banned from Many Wedding Receptions
In a sign either that the human species is less doomed than I had thought, or that the heat death of the universe is more imminent, reports that The Chicken Dance was banned at 23.1% of wedding receptions last year. The value of this datum is somewhat diminished by the fact that they found…
Kitten and Doberman – Cute!
Enjoy! (HT: Why Evolution is True)
A Hippopotamus for David Ker
Well, not really. It’s mine. Here it is: I’ve had it since last Christmas but didn’t think of it until today when I looked at it sitting on my desk. You see, last year I commented to my wife that I thought the song “I want a hippopotamus for Christmas” was “cute.” She never forgets…
The Sunday School Squeeze
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Doggy Oaths
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Stuff Christians Say
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I will be deep in prayer for your soul.
It may be too late … I’m laughing too hard.