Christian Carnival CCXCVII Posted
… at Thinking Christian. Enjoy!
… at Thinking Christian. Enjoy!
I sometimes complain about the way lectionary passages are cut off before difficult passages, so I thought it might be nice to mention the truly wonderful selection of the gospel for Christ the King Sunday today. The gospel passage is Luke 23:33-43. At our “Lectionary at Lunch” gathering, led by Geoffrey Lentz, a number of…
Allan Bevere has some excellent notes. As someone who has visited many churches, and experienced just about all of what he describes, I can just say “Amen!” Don’t smother. Don’t ignore. Be helpful!
The Christian Alliance for Progress has been reporting a particularly egregious case of religious intolerance in the school system. There is now a petition drive, and you can get involved here. To be honest, I’m not terribly optimistic about the value of this type of petition campaign, but I would imagine it can’t hurt.
Or I could say, I think we trust the Gospel (God’s plan), less than we trust the government. Yesterday I posted something from Dave Black to (with permission), and e-mailed several of my friends (and Energion authors) to see if they might have a comment on it. As I’ve been thinking about the post,…
I’m going to make this a short note, because what I suggest is that you read the two stories (and even search for other sources) on this story and consider the issues for yourself. First, in the Washington Post: Military Wrestles With Disharmony Among Chaplains. According to this story there are definitely some issues to…
Continuing my notes on the daily passages from this week’s lesson, I’m looking at Proverbs 3:13-20. I assume it’s clear to all that the subject is creation. We again find ourselves looking at God’s revelation through God’s work. I like to emphasize the importance of not just reading words from the Word of God, as…