Garage Sale? Watch out for the Feds!
They’re looking for people who resell recalled items. To be fair, I must note that they’re paying the most attention to the big boys, like Goodwill. (HT: The Agitator)
They’re looking for people who resell recalled items. To be fair, I must note that they’re paying the most attention to the big boys, like Goodwill. (HT: The Agitator)
… at Parableman. An exceptionally good selection of reading, and I’d say that even if I didn’t have a post in there!
The “which” is a list of bibliobloggers compiled by John Hobbins. Through it I discover that I am on the extended (not the top 50) list at Biblioblogs Top 50. Thanks to all of the above, and to which provides a valuable service to the Bibliblogosphere.
I’ve posted some thoughts as it relates to my company, on the company blog.
He’s working through Sparks’ book God’s Word in Human Words, and doing a great job. Good stuff, and it relates to my recent topic of interpretation. (Link is to the third part, beginning here.)
… or not. Since I’m a fan of NCIS, I couldn’t resist linking to this post on The Austringer. I definitely didn’t know any of that stuff!
Find the details here.