Church 7 Days a Week
Kevin at Shooting the Breeze comments on a YouTube video.
Kevin at Shooting the Breeze comments on a YouTube video.
This post continues from this one and is part of my series blogging through Ben Witherington’s book What Have They Done with Jesus? This chapter continues the theme of the previous chapter. Witherington is creating profiles of the various claimed eyewitnesses in the New Testament and then using them to tell us about Jesus. With…
I just made this discovery this morning. I mentioned Jerry Coyne’s site in an earlier post Five Sites I read Because I Disagree, and I still read it. I get some good information about evolutionary science and great cat pictures and videos. But Jerry Coyne is not particularly friendly to believers. Now I want to…
Rev. Geoffrey Lentz is a local United Methodist pastor. Some years ago before he went to seminary and learned better he was a student of mine. He sent a letter to Lifeway Christian Stores regarding their placement of a magazine about women pastors behind the counter. He sent me a copy and graciously gave permission…
I grew up in the Seventh-day Adventist Church, which is very interested in eschatology. We didn’t learn the term all that early, but we were subjected constantly to sermons about it. SDA eschatology is one of the key reasons I’m not SDA any more, but when I first joined a United Methodist congregation, I was…
Consider these situations: A Sunday School class for young adults is growing by leaps and bounds. Many young men and women who are not members of the church are showing up just for the class. The church leadership shuts the class down because it is not using denominationally approved curriculum. A speaker who is not…
From The Peculiar Club, there is How to Know God, simple, practical, brief, down to earth–all the things my posts usually aren’t! This one would be worth putting into practice. After reading the book unChristian, Tom Gilson says “Christianity has a reality problem.” He then does a very thoughtful job of discussing just what is…