Added to Blogroll: for the Sake of Truth

I got an e-mail from Josh Mann of for the Sake of Truth, asking if I might take a look at his blog and see if I found it interesting.

The results?  Indeed I find it interesting, if for no other reason than that Josh has an MA in Biblical Languages.  He’s going on to his doctorate while I’ve been living the educationally deprived life without one, but I’ll have to just deal with that!  Oh, and he seems to emphasize New Testament, while I emphasized Old, a much less comprehensible failing.  🙂

It looks like he does a good deal of serious work on NT backgrounds, along with a few posts in other areas, generally as would be expected of a NT specialist who knows Greek.

Head on over and check the blog out.  I think you’ll find it useful.  It’s likely I’ll be linking to specific posts from time to time.

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