On the Future of Information Technology
I’ve posted some thoughts as it relates to my company, on the company blog.
I’ve posted some thoughts as it relates to my company, on the company blog.
… when the Secretary of State does it. I thought many of these things were so obvious they hardly needed said, but apparently the obvious can be offensive. Perhaps a little truth will help diplomacy. Or not…
Rachel Held Evans says some things I wish I had said about the so-called masculinity crisis in the church. I guess I’m one of those “dudes who are still sort of chicks.” (Read the post if you don’t get it.)
First, let me alert all my readers that this is about my business even though this is a personal blog. Second, for those who read my business blog, it will be, to a certain extent, repetitively redundant. Several months ago I decided that I would expand my publication efforts into the area of politics, though…
Carl Zimmer is a great science writer, and he will now be a columnist for Discover Magazine. Accordingly, his blog, The Loom, has moved there.
Every so often Christine’s photos and/or Haiku are so good that I just have to call your attention to them. Stairways is great.