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Quote of the Day 1-20-09

From Bruce Alderman:

To be honest, I think the ugliest thing about Christianity is the pervasiveness of preachers and apologists who try to scare people into the faith, and who seek to reduce their flocks’ exposure to other viewpoints. …

The entire post is worth reading.

There’s a great deal of good material in the blogosphere if you can just find it. I don’t promise truly “daily” quotes of the day, but when I find them, I like to post them.

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  1. This is why I quite like the Baha’i faith: their messiah-figure rather explicitly stated that this sort of socially-restricted thinking is bad. Did Jesus ever do the same?

    (This is not a rhetorical question – I can’t remember anything relevant from the Gospels, but that’s probably just a sign that I need to re-read them again.)

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