
Cars for the Public Interest

Ignoring the day’s flavor of scandal, I want to comment on something I heard yesterday about the auto industry bail-out. Of course, just in case you were thinking the government would be free of corruption, you’ve just had a reminder.

Chris Matthews last night commented that we needed to get the auto industry to “produce cars for the public interest.” First, we ought to ask just what that phrase would mean. Frankly, I have no idea. One presumes producing more cars that please Chris Matthews and associates.

I had this really weird idea, however, that when one has a problem one identifies it and then finds a way to solve that problem. Now is the problem that auto manufacturers have not been producing “cars for the public interest?” Well, no, not exactly. The problem is that the auto manufacturers are not making a profit.

So if the problem is that they’re not making a profit, and thus accumulating the cash reserves necessary to going through difficult times, perhaps the solution would be either that they make a profit, or be replaced by folks who will.

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One Comment

  1. “So if the problem is that they’re not making a profit, and thus accumulating the cash reserves necessary to going through difficult times, perhaps the solution would be either that they make a profit, or be replaced by folks who will.”

    Ding Ding Ding! Finally somebody who gets it!

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