Jim Getz on Peter Enns and WTS
He has some good, balanced (in my view) thoughts here.
Rachel Held Evans says some things I wish I had said about the so-called masculinity crisis in the church. I guess I’m one of those “dudes who are still sort of chicks.” (Read the post if you don’t get it.)
I’ve long thought that the major problem of the media was not so much bias (though bias is evidence) but shallowness. Today Allan Bevere said it much better.
… or as soon afterward as practicable, read this. (HT: Pseudo-Polymath.)
Ed Brayton has a post on the NY chapter of NOW, which claims that Ted Kennedy betrayed feminists by endorsing Obama. I had this on my list of topics for posts, but Ed already said it better.
Through a Glass Darkly expresses appreciation for Al Mohler’s advice on educating his kids. Well, maybe not so much! 🙂