Christian Carnival #CCXVII Posted
. . . at Diary of 1.
. . . at Diary of 1.
Why do these folks want the government to pay for their convictions?
I’ve just added a couple of good links and some brief notes on inerrancy at my Threads blog.
EDN = Energion Discussion Network. Today’s post is by yours truly and titled In the Embrace of Change. As owner of Energion Publications, I’m putting a great deal of the company marketing efforts and dollars into building up that site, it’s sister site Nurturing Creativity, and our social media this year. We’re working hard to…
Via’s Significant Digits, which I read religiously and daily, I discovered the Timeline of the Far Future on Wikipedia. I am particularly concerned that in 600 million years C3 photosynthesis will become impossible.
A good first look at McKnight’s book A Community Called Atonement.