Christian Carnival #CCXVII Posted
. . . at Diary of 1.
. . . at Diary of 1.
Doug Rea says all churches should be seeker sensitive, but who is seeking?
One of the problems I have with the word “inerrancy” is that it is understood in very different ways. If I were to ask most people in my home church what biblical inerrancy means, they would probably conflate it with certain literalistic renderings. I disagree with the doctrine of biblical inerrancy, even as laid out…
Dave Faulkner has commented here on posts about the Lakeland Revival, and he has a new article looking at some of the healing and even resurrection claims. He hasn’t come to sweeping conclusions, but is certainly asking the right questions. It’s worth a read, if you’re interested in the topic.
Wesley Elsberry has provided a roundup of his posts on the Florida science standards. Note that the vote on these will be February 19.
Yesterday I wrote a post about the Sabbath. John, at Locusts and Honey, found a LOLCat that says it better.
Here’s another incident of mandatory religion in the Air Force (HT: Metacatholic). Besides the fact that it is quite improper for the Air Force to provide mandatory religious indoctrination, this program clearly denigrates the faith of many who would disagree with a number of elements of the presentation.