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Child Life Program at the Ballpark

I usually manage to post something here every day, but yesterday was one of those exceptions. What was going on?

Well, aside from a busy day on the computer side of my business, which is part time, but tends to run in spurts, I was working with my wife, and my stepson John Webb (pitcher for the Pensacola Pelicans) on a project to bring children under treatment for life threatening or very long term treatment out for a night of fun.

We work with Sacred Heart Hospital, specifically the child life program to raise money through the John Webb Winter Golf Tournament and through other things as they crop up.

What cropped up this time was an opportunity to auction one of John’s jerseys, signed of course, which went for a substantial amount of money–no, not what a major leaguer would draw, but much more than we expect here in the independent leagues. As a result, John was able to rent one of the “beach suites” at the ballpark, which gives the children an air conditioned place to retreat to if they need it, but also provides a good view of the game.

Since the catering was donated by Jerry’s Cajun Cafe, a good deal of money from the sale will go to other projects for the child life program. Reward Jerry’s by heading out there for lunch or dinner–you’ll reward yourself with a good meal as well.

The Pelicans went out of their way as well to make the time fun for the children, inviting them to be involved in various contests, allowing two to be bat boys, and generally checking up on comfort.

Thanks to the Pelicans official photographer there will be pictures. I’ll post a more detailed report later over on the Pacesetters Bible School Newsletter Blog. At the moment, the John Webb Winter Golf Tournament and related activities are sponsored by Pacesetters, but this will all soon become a separate foundation.

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