Pelicans win 2nd Game in Series against Sports 4-0
. . . and our son’s friend Brandon Sing (also our house guest) hit a two run homer in the first. Story in the Pensacola News Journal.
. . . and our son’s friend Brandon Sing (also our house guest) hit a two run homer in the first. Story in the Pensacola News Journal.
I’ve been posting on this topic over on my Participatory Bible Study Blog, and since it has started to involve religion and society, especially education, I thought I’d call attention to it. I feel a rant coming on about the descent of modern education into irrelevance, but it will have to wait for tomorrow.
Rachel Held Evans says some things I wish I had said about the so-called masculinity crisis in the church. I guess I’m one of those “dudes who are still sort of chicks.” (Read the post if you don’t get it.)
The “which” is a list of bibliobloggers compiled by John Hobbins. Through it I discover that I am on the extended (not the top 50) list at Biblioblogs Top 50. Thanks to all of the above, and to which provides a valuable service to the Bibliblogosphere.
Read more at Exploring our Matrix.
… or as soon afterward as practicable, read this. (HT: Pseudo-Polymath.)
. . . but on target. I refer to this post on Pursuing Holiness. My own preference is that churches and religious organizations define marriage for their own constituents, and the state simply define households. Laura’s words about free speech destroying human rights committees are also on target.