Christian Carnival #CCXVI
. . . has been posted at Crossroads.
. . . has been posted at Crossroads.
… from Allan Bevere. This relates to my earlier post, The Real War on Christmas.
Take a look at this:
When it rains it pours, so I’ve been seeing a lot of posts about mission lately, and here’s another one that raises some very interesting points. (HT: Kouyanet). Having served on and led short-term mission teams, grown up with long-term missionary parents, and served on mission committees, I find that a great deal of this…
There are few topics that get Christians more angry at one another than the subject of evolution. Those who accept a young earth (or young age for the universe) tend to think that those who accept the theory of evolution do it simply because they lack the faith to believe the Bible. To them, this…
… at Fish and Cans. I am overwhelmed with work and didn’t get around to making a submission, but there’s bunches of good stuff. Folks who have been reading my work on inerrancy either here or at my Threads blog should see Jeremy Pierce’s contribution
. . . will be at Metacatholic, and he is calling for submissions as comments to the post I’m linking right here.
… from Allan Bevere. This relates to my earlier post, The Real War on Christmas.
Take a look at this:
When it rains it pours, so I’ve been seeing a lot of posts about mission lately, and here’s another one that raises some very interesting points. (HT: Kouyanet). Having served on and led short-term mission teams, grown up with long-term missionary parents, and served on mission committees, I find that a great deal of this…
There are few topics that get Christians more angry at one another than the subject of evolution. Those who accept a young earth (or young age for the universe) tend to think that those who accept the theory of evolution do it simply because they lack the faith to believe the Bible. To them, this…
… at Fish and Cans. I am overwhelmed with work and didn’t get around to making a submission, but there’s bunches of good stuff. Folks who have been reading my work on inerrancy either here or at my Threads blog should see Jeremy Pierce’s contribution
. . . will be at Metacatholic, and he is calling for submissions as comments to the post I’m linking right here.
… from Allan Bevere. This relates to my earlier post, The Real War on Christmas.
Take a look at this: