Threads Post on KJV Only
I have posted a couple of YouTube embeds and some short comments on the KJV-Only preaching on my Threads blog.
I have posted a couple of YouTube embeds and some short comments on the KJV-Only preaching on my Threads blog.
I will probably have to repent for posting this, but I can’t resist. Post in haste, repent at leisure–probably much leisure.
I received the following comment on YouTube responding to my video Why I Hate the KJV.
I started carrying the TNIV recently. I had been using it only in electronic form to do some studying and comparison, but I decided to see how it would work as a “carrying” Bible. That means I take it to church, Sunday School, study groups, and I keep it at hand during my study time…
I am frequently asked to compare various translations. Generally my questioner wants me to declare one translation correct, and the other incorrect, or at least to state that one rendering is better than the other. Translators know that this is frequently difficult to do, because there is no one-to-one relationship between source language and target…
In response to a comment, I have added a page that will allow you to choose a base Bible version (whatever you prefer) and get a list of all other available versions based on how much they differ from that. The page is The default version is the NRSV if you don’t specify. There…
I got an e-mail today with just the link for this new blog–only two entries–and the blogger is [drum roll] –wait for it–the TNIV Translation. Well, I assume the book has a spokesman and he or she (or should I use the singular “they”) is typing the entries. I don’t know if this is an…
I have updated the entry for the Complete Jewish Bible (CJB) in my Bible Version Selection Tool. This adds notes on the version, which were vanishingly brief before, and now it’s merely brief!