Christian Carnival #190 Posted
. . . at The Minor Prophet. Go and enjoy! (I apologize for being late linking to this one.)
. . . at The Minor Prophet. Go and enjoy! (I apologize for being late linking to this one.)
Part of my current devotional reading is currently in Isaiah. Today this included Isaiah 46:10 — (10) I declare the end when it is just the beginning, From ancient times, things that have not yet been done. I say, “My plan will be established, and I will do everything I desire.” — Isaiah 46:10 (my…
Christian Carnival CXLVI is now up, hosted by Evangelical Ecologist. I’ll take a close look at it once my Threads and Participatory Bible Study blogs are back from the never-never land of server problems. I apologize to anyone who tried to come here while the server was down, but at this point we’re temporarily redirected…
Thanks to Jeremy for doing all the work. I’m at #8 amongst some pretty great company!
I agree with this note which calls this column, titled Prejudiced Danes Provoke Fanaticism, execrable. Freedom of thought requires the freedom to offend, and being offended does not justify violence.
Yesterday I ranted about the church. Dave Black pulled some of the better material out of it and commented, so I posted it to The Jesus Paradigm so we’d have a link. I also posted some notes on recent releases and some not-so-recent ones regarding the church on the Energion Publications news blog. I blogged…
Again I’m addressing a very small portion of this chapter. To get the context in mind, please read my previous post Hebrews 6:1-3: Going On Toward Perfection. These three verses have generated a great deal of commentary, because they appear to be saying that if one falls away from the Christian walk he cannot return,…