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Enthusiastic for Everything

Adrian Warnock has written an interesting and challenging post titled I DON’T WANT BALANCE, I WANT IT ALL!. There is a great deal in that post with which I not only sympathize, I empathize–I’ve been there.

For me one place I want both is in the intensity of much charismatic worship. I have experienced that in many places, including the Brownsville Revival here in Pensacola. It’s an interesting feeling, however, to realize that many of the people with whom you are worshiping would regard you as questionable at best for your theological views.

I also have enjoyed the theological footwork of the reformed. Since I mentioned a charismatic place by name, let me just mention McIlwain Memorial Presbyterian Church (PCA) here in Pensacola. At a conference they hosted I enjoyed listening to folks like James Boice and John Blanchard, and even sang Charles Wesley’s “Oh for a Thousand Tongues” with that reformed congregation. It was both intellectually and spiritually stimulating. Their pastoral staff has been friendly over the years, and I’ve enjoyed working with them. Yet at the same time I knew I would be questionable as a church member and would certainly never teach there because of their doctrinal standards.

That’s why when an opponent dubbed me a “liberal charismatic” I adopted the term, at least partially. I prefer “passionate moderate,” but “liberal charismatic” has always seemed to catch something of that which drives me.

I was thinking of one of my normal long posts in response, when I encountered this post by Dave Warnock, which says what I wanted to say, and does it better. Check it out.

I’ll add just a note to commenter GlennSP, who accuses Dave of bring in a subject that has no reference in the post. To me, however, it does. I want all those things Adrian wants, and I also want them for my wife, my daughter, and for all the women I’ve encountered in the church, many of whom are struggling to find a place they can use the gifts God has given them. I want it for a newly ordained United Methodist pastor whom I’ll leave nameless, who only entered ministerial candidacy when she was into middle age because when, as a young child, she heard God’s call to be a pastor, and was told by a respected elder, “Girls can’t be pastors.” It does have reference, because when I say I want it all, I mean that I want it all for everybody.

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  1. As I said over at Daves place, I want it all for everybody too. I am not an elder myself, do I feel left out and not important? NO. The ladies in our church I speak to feel fulfilled and are serving God in ways consistent with however they are called by God. They can minister, they can lead, they can speak to the church. I simply do not recognize this oppressive misogynist you are making me out to be!

  2. Adrian,

    Well, I don’t recognize “this oppressive misogynist” that I’m making you out to be either. I’m recognizing a complementarian, which I do not equate to being a misogynist. I actually know of a church congregation, not more than five miles from my home, which is misogynistic, so I do recognize one can get to that point, but I absolutely don’t see you that way.

    I do, however, see restrictions on leadership positions based on gender as being less than worthy of the incarnation. Do I expect everyone to get on board with me? No. Do I hope that we can work together where we agree? Absolutely. If you were ever in our part of the woods–a long ways, I know–I would hope that you would be able to join in worship in our church, and I would like to hope that if I were on your side of the pond, that I could join in worship in yours.

    But I’m not going to back off where I think any of us are missing out, any more than I expect you to back off on penal substitution.

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